The Epworth Furniture Ministry

“We changed lives today,”

as one of our volunteers reflected on his experience serving at 

the Epworth Furniture Mart on a Selection Saturday.


Click here for our 2023 Annual Report!


Epworth is and has long been known for the many generous mission projects provided by our congregation, both locally and internationally. Each project and trip has offered us the challenge to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 25:35, “For I was hungry and you fed me,

I was thirsty and you gave me drink.

I was a stranger and you invited me into your home.”


The Epworth Furniture Ministry continues in the same spirit of compassion, concern and connection.  This ministry was created to provide quality, used furniture and basic household items to families in our community who are in need.  Our clients come to us from:



Most of our clients are starting life over with little to nothing at all.  This is an opportunity for us to offer hope and dignity to those in our community who have felt hopeless and invisible.